How Can I Prepare My Adult Teenager for Her First Wellness Exam?

The first women’s wellness exam is a big event in a teenager’s life. At The Fertility & Gynecology Center - Monterey Bay IVF, our renowned infertility specialist, Dr. Edward J. Ramirez, and our caring team of women’s health specialists want the first exam to be a comfortable and easy experience for your daughter.
We believe that one of the best ways to prepare teens for their first wellness exam is by educating parents. You’re the one whom your daughter looks to for advice, support, and guidance as she matures into womanhood, and we want to give you the right tools to help her.
This month, our blog focuses on a few ways you can help prepare your daughter for her first wellness visit at our practice.
Explain what to expect
The first wellness exam for teens is like an abbreviated version of the one that you have as an adult woman. Explain that the first wellness exam isn’t really that different from a visit to the primary care physician.
Usually, the first wellness visit includes a physical exam — weight and height check, blood pressure, and a general overall health assessment. It may include a brief breast exam.
In addition, the first wellness exam usually includes an external genital exam. In the external genital exam, Dr. Ramirez examines the vulva to check for irregularities.
The first women’s wellness exam rarely includes an internal exam (pelvic exam). But your daughter may need a pelvic exam if she has problems like severe period pain or heavy bleeding.
Most women don’t have their first pelvic exam until age 21. That’s the age to start Pap smears as well.
Contraception and safe sex discussions are also part of a wellness exam. Your daughter gets the chance to ask questions and learn more about her body in a safe space during the exam. Dr. Ramirez has a gentle manner, and he actively listens to what your daughter has to say. This makes talking about personal topics much easier than it might normally be.
If your daughter is sexually active, her wellness exam includes sexually transmitted disease (STD) testing.
Those delicate topics bring us to our next preparation tip: Explaining how privacy works in OB/GYN care for teens.
Reassure her about privacy
Your daughter needs to feel free to discuss her sexual and reproductive health with Dr. Ramirez so he can provide the most effective care. The best way to help her feel confident about doing so is explaining how privacy laws work for teens.
Whatever your daughter tells Dr. Ramirez about her sex life, pregnancy, contraception, and other highly personal topics is private. The information remains strictly between them unless she consents to sharing the information with you.
The state of California guarantees teenagers this protection by law. Reassure your daughter that her information is private. Explain that she can choose to share information with you only if she feels comfortable doing so.
Many teens worry so much about what their parents might learn about them that they don’t seek the health care they need. Knowing that she has privacy guaranteed can help your daughter get the care she needs and may prevent serious problems later.
Many girls worry about their first OB/GYN visit, but your daughter can feel relaxed and confident about it when you help her prepare. Dr. Ramirez and our team take special care with young women to ensure their first exam is a comfortable and stress-free experience, so call our Monterey, California, office at 831-649-4483 or connect with us online to schedule your daughter’s appointment now.
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